about the brand

Body Belief was created out of consequences and a desire. The consequences of not figuring out how to be healthy as a busy woman juggling a lot of plates. And the desire to shift generational health patterns for the women of our future.

behind the brand

Meet the Founder, Alex Darby

Hi, I'm Alex Darby.  I love the spark that fires when a woman uncovers the body and beliefs she really loves. I get busy women, I'm as type A as they come, and I know how vital it is to feel good and believe our body has our back. It's what makes us so great. I learnt the hard way and now I want to show you how to feel good for life, no consequences required. 

Whilst I was the head of communications for a £2 billion business I achieved a first class masters degree in leadership and strategy. It was only when I was diagnosed with breast cancer that I connected the dots… the communication between our body and our habits is as strategic as it gets. I turned my health crises into a career, certified as a health coach and became a hormone and habit geek. I now help women master both.

What you might not know about me is I fell in love with running at 47 and have since run two marathons with a third on the horizon.

What I love is I've been lucky enough to work with some of the top global menopause experts, have been featured in Women's health magazine for my own early menopause story, as well as being the habit coach for one of the most downloaded menopause apps in the world, which has culminated in the creation my own Body Belief Bootcamp program.


I'm AN ENNEAGRAM 7 but a close 3
I've had breast cancer twice
I love france
I went into early menopause at 42
Im obsessed with my health in a reluctant healthy girl way


Alex is incredibly knowledgeable and insightful and her real-world experience sets her apart from so many wellness coaches. It was effortless and fun to integrate the habits she taught me. This has been life-transforming!

— tali edut ceo/co founder astrostyle

What Body Belief Helps you with

The Body Belief Method will make you love your body so much, pangs of excess will dissipate, because you will know what you need, understand how to get it and the belief you have in your body will transform your life.